Date(s): Classes are held on Monday evenings beginning September 2024. Please be aware that this schedule is subject to change.
Location: Colorado Academy- Schotters Music Center (3800 S Pierce St., Denver, CO 80235).
Time: 6:30-8:30pm (Philharmonia and Symphony Orchestras, Wind Ensemble)
Dress Code: Wear whatever feels comfortable!
​What to Bring: your instrument, music (you must print your own music), music stand, a pencil, and a water bottle.
​Note: Parents are not allowed in class. Students and staff only.
The four ensembles that make up the CYSO typically perform together in three concerts throughout the year: a Fall concert, a Spring concert, and a POPS concert!
Concert Dates for the 2024/2025 Season:
Fall Concert: Sunday November 24, 2024, 3:30pm
POPS Concert: Sunday April 6, 2025, 3:30pm
Spring Concert: April 21, 2025, 7:30pm
Concert Locations for the 2024/2025 Season:
Fall Concert: The Performing Arts Complex/Pinnacle Charter School (see map below)
POPS Concert: King Center Concert Hall located at Metropolitan State University (see map below)
Spring Concert: King Center Concert Hall located at Metropolitan State University (see map below)
Denver Nuggets Performance: February 5, 2025
Philharmonia Option 1: Black dress or black skirt, or black slacks with CYSO designated maroon camisole with a black sweater or jacket, black shoes.
Philharmonia Option 2: Black slacks with CYSO designated maroon tie, black long sleeve shirt, black socks, and black shoes.
Symphony Option 1: Black dress or black skirt, or black slacks with CYSO designated maroon camisole with a black sweater or jacket, black shoes.
Symphony Option 2: Black slacks with CYSO designated maroon tie, black long sleeve shirt, black socks, and black shoes.
POPS Concert and Denver Nuggets performance:
Every ensemble will perform at the 2025 CYSO POPS CONCERT. Everyone is expected to wear your 2024-2025 CYSO season t-shirt, jeans or shorts, and sneakers. Everyone is required to purchase the 2024-2025 season t-shirt. You must purchase tickets through the CYSO Denver Nuggets link for the Denver Nuggets performance. This link will be sent to all families and made available on the CYSO website.